Conscious Fertility Activation

A self-paced digital course for women to maximize fertility, regulate the nervous system, balance hormones, and rewire the subconscious mind.

To address the foundation of your fertility and break free from the obsession, worry, and stress to find a more ease-filled, loving, and conscious relationship with yourself in your fertility journey.

So you can go from…

  • Having irregular early/late cycles, spotting in between periods, not ovulating, having painful periods, and dealing with anxiety and depression.

  • Being obsessed with the timing/tracking and doing everything perfectly, from supplements to diet, while experiencing tension and anxiety cancelling out everything you have done by flooding your body with more cortisol and adrenaline.

  • Resenting and believing your “unexplained infertility” or "secondary infertility" diagnosis without any answers and just being told to “keep trying” and doing the same thing… coming up empty. Continuing doing the same - unhelpful thing.

To This…

  • Balanced hormones

    Having a cycle close to 28 days, ovulating, having a uterine lining 7+mm, and having a pain-free cycle with optimal estrogen/progesterone levels without the insane mood swings.

  • A Regulated nervous system

    Able to deal with and not feel triggered by the million things that you are dealing with daily. Finally, feel safe In your body, without the constant neck and jaw tension. You are no longer dealing with the stress and anxiety of feeling like you haven't done - enough or are doing the wrong thing.

  • An awareness and change to your unconcious mind

    Knowing that you are innately fertile and knowing in your heart you will conceive and have your healthy child regardless of what you have been told by your primary care practitioner and your fertility doctor.

Conscious Fertility Activation

Conscious Fertility Activation

Are you ready to finally allow yourself feel hope and know that having your child is a real possibility?  

Are you ready to discover how to feel any anxiety and stress and actually let it go within minutes of feeling it, instead of carrying it around all day and it impacting your whole life as well as your relationships?

Are you ready to consistently feel as though you are in control of your mind and body and finally feel like yourself again, finally trusting your body.

“I have my period! Day 26! I'm very happy it's getting back to a normal number of days cycle. Not painful and not even tired (I'm usually very tired and drained so I know it's coming - I didn't this time So still some improvement. I don't feel sad or overwhelmed or defeated. I still feel strong so very happy. Very peaceful meditation this morning..”

“Omg Helena, my lining has never been so thick! I've done the acupressure since I started my period! I always had max 7mm and it 9mm now... it's amazing..”

What you will learn In The Conscious Fertility Activation course:

  • Daily Micro Habit nervous system regulation tools and techniques that will allow you to process emotions, actually clear and handle stress, and allow you to navigate your fertility journey with EASE. A way to feel like you're no longer treading water and drowning.

  • Daily acupressure meditations for each phase of your cycle- in order to regulate your cycle to an ideal 28-day range, optimize ovulation, reduce PMS, and regulate optimal estrogen and progesterone levels. 

  • Meridian Channel activations and meditations to clear energetic blockages and dense frequencies that form due to trauma, compounding stress from not being able to conceive, and unprocessed emotions.

  • Dietary therapy focuses on more than just nutrition; it focuses on the energetic element and medicinal value of your food.

Are you finally ready to maximize your fertility by regulating your nervous system, optimizing your cycles, and energetically magnetizing your child to you? 

Let’s do this!