For women over the age of 35 who want to maximize fertility and get pregnant without the obsession, worry, and stress.

 A comprehensive 6-month intimate online group coaching program addressing the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of activating optimal conception, holding a healthy pregnancy, and having a healthy baby to complete your family.

The Conscious Fertility Blueprint

Meet Helena

Hi, I'm Helena...

I Am a Board-Certified Acupuncturist and Life Coach with the Life Coach School. I am also certified in Primordial Sound Meditation with Deepak Chopra. I'm also a Mom who had a baby at 36 and two healthy pregnancies over the age of 40, totally naturally.

As an acupuncturist and life coach with over 8 years of experience and 14,000 clinical hours, I’ve helped women over the age of 35 not only get pregnant but stay pregnant and have healthy, happy babies without all the stress, timing/tracking, and obsessing.

Yes, setting your body up for success physically is important to pregnancy. However, it's also only one small piece of the puzzle that's overemphasized in fertility today. If you've tried all the things on the physical level to get pregnant, like taking a million supplements, exhausting IVF, and detoxing everything, but still come up empty, you're in the right place. 

This is your invitation to go deeper and integrate not just optimal physical health but combine that with a shift in your mind, spirit, and consciousness. 

It's my life's mission to help women have complete families, healthy, happy babies, and fulfilled lives.

The fact I’m now pregnant at 42 is incredible. Helena shares such love, light, and support; without a doubt, she has helped me tremendously!

Working with Helena has been a game changer for me. Her positive energy, authenticity, and wisdom have impacted the way I think. Specifically, her coaching has allowed me to view fertility and pregnancy through a clearer and truer lens, shifted my focus to life’s possibilities, and helped me to build confidence and serenity.

She has a knack for uncovering impediments to growth and challenges you to become aware of negative or unproductive thought patterns.

Christine.P Age 42

The Conscious Fertility Blueprint Group Coaching Container

I know how stressful getting pregnant can be first-hand...

All my clients asked me for years...'But Helena, how'd you have three pregnancies over 36 naturally'....This is how the Conscious Fertility Blueprint was born.

This is the exact Blueprint of how I did this myself and how countless clients have done the same.

This is for you if…

  • You are actively in the process of conceiving naturally or would like more support  through IUI/IVF 

  • You want to optimize your fertility and create the foundation for conception and a healthy pregnancy

  • You have detoxed, tracked/times, eliminated the environmental toxins, and have taken all the supplements to no avail

  • You have gone the functional medicine, naturopathic, and countless specialists route, and they have not helped

  • You are looking for a holistic approach to support you on your fertility journey with empathy and clinical expertise

After months of trying to conceive, I was pregnant within 2 sessions, which, in itself, is a miracle…

Helena was a godsend for me during my fertility journey. When I first decided to start working with her, my frustration and stress levels were high. Helena was the greatest support and resource (she is so extremely knowledgeable!!).

She knew exactly what I needed to hear and treated me with an abundance of warmth and compassion. My sessions with Helena were not just about fertility but about nurturing my mind and body. After my initial sessions, my attitude around fertility began to shift, and I started to feel positive and hopeful. It was incredibly healing.

On top of this, I also feel that my mental health has benefited greatly from working with her. Needless to say, I am so grateful for Helena.

- Courtney .M

The Conscious Fertility Blueprint

The Conscious Fertility Blueprint

This is a six-month-long intimate coaching group that will allow you to form a supportive community while you are on your fertility journey.

Connect with like-minded women on the fertility journey with you.

The Conscious Fertility Blueprint is a program that allows for mega expansion and shows you what is possible.

What you will receive…

Intimate Coaching Group

6 months of weekly sessions to create expansion, awareness, and develop mindset tools that transform your life. Teaching modules along with distance healing during our calls, followed by meditation to clear blocks and dissolve dense energies.


  • 4 - 1.5 hour calls per month -

    • 6 Months

    • Teusday 1-2 pm EST

    • Friday 11 pm-1:30 pm Eastern time (GMT-4:00)

    • Along with extra calls throughout the week

  • Teaching modules monthly

  • Coaching modules monthly

  • Zoom replays sent post session, private non-recorded calls as well

  • Coaching style is grounded in awareness and inquiry to allow clients to become aware of their thoughts and blindspots.

Dietary therapy

A replenishing, and fertility boosting nutrition program based on the energetics (not just the nutritional value of food). Designed to create the groundwork and foundation for your fertility. Focusing on fortifying, and creating a fertile environment rather than detoxing, eliminating, and dieting.


  • Dietary therapy based on a simple, intuitive framework that allows for flexibility and balance.

  • Lifestyle shifts

  • A holistic approach framework to the tangible elements in your life are addressed: diet, lifestyle, and physical movement.

Acupressure meditations

Acupressure instructions designed to activate, and nourish during each of the four phases of the menstrual cycle. Meditations to fully engage the physical, emotional, and energetic body for comprehensive self-care.


  • 4 acupressure guided meditations for each phase of your menstrual cycle

  • Guided meditations to fully integrate the body and mind for optimal fertility.

One time investment $3500

3 payments of $1333

Jessie. M Age 40

“ After a miscarriage via IVF and being (repeatedly) told I was going to have a challenging time conceiving naturally due to my age and my (multiple and sizable) fibroids, I was ready to try anything.

After a month of coaching with Helena. I conceived naturally. Not only was I in disbelief, so was my OBGYN. But not Helena- she knew with this work we were doing, I was able to manifest this into reality. 

I initially came singularly for fertility but am learning that this work spans much broader than fertility but rather to every facet in our lives and that we have more power than we think in determining the direction of our lives. 

I’m extremely grateful for having crossed paths with Helena. She’s opened my eyes to a new way of living, and her coaching helps us jumpstart what will hopefully be a lifelong practice.”

The flow of the Conscious Fertility Blueprint…

  • Letting Go

  • Thought / Feeling Feedback Loop 

  • Presence Practices

  • Releasing Overwhelm, Worry, Stress

  • Rewriting The Past/Creating From The Future

  • Relationships

Work with me

Ellie. P Age 38

“Several months ago, after trying to conceive naturally for 5 months, I was told that my levels for conception were extremely low (even for my age 38). This was devastating to me and so I knew I needed support as this was not something I was prepared to give up on. 

My work with Helena began in May and I had a confirmed pregnancy by the end of July! I am still committed to doing this impactful energy work with Helena now that I am pregnant. I feel that this has been a huge step up the ladder in my personal development and spiritual journey. I'm excited about what will unfold for me as a mother and my family!

Helena challenged my thinking by holding a safe space through my scariest and worst thoughts. I loved how we were able to go there and face them and come out the other side.”

Lisa. P Age 39

“I was unable to get pregnant for quite some time. I was seeing a fertility doctor for about 8 months and I was getting frustrated. I decided to use acupuncture to help the process along.

The day that I received my 8th IUI, I went to see Helena right after my appointment to receive acupuncture treatment. Low and behold, two weeks later, I wanna finally pregnant! Helena is not only great at what she does she is also very kind and compassionate!”

One time investment $3500

3 payments of $1333

Natalie. N

“Over the last 3 years Helena has also helped me with fertility, anxiety, and overall well being. Helena is one of the kindest most genuine practitioners I’ve ever met. She takes the time to truly listen to my concerns and individualize treatments to what I need, which is so rare these days. She is incredible at what she does and goes above and beyond to help her clients. Helena is simply the best!”

— N.N